CPEC proving a gate opener

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14 Feb 2017
By admin
CPEC-Pak China

The Project is providing many opportunities to Pakistan for trade collaboration.

Gwadar is not a new consideration as being a port for Pakistan Cargo. Its history can be traced back as old as 1954. Its proper construction started in 2003 and it was inaugurated in 2007. But it was not until 2015 when further construction of the port was announced by the Government to make it a proper trade zone. Since then quick progress was seen in its second phase and in Nov 2016 it started working properly as a trade port.

CPEC provided a way to make way for the economic growth and stability in the country. Even peace at the sea is seen as increasing due to this project. UK has also shown interest in giving a hand for the completion for the project, which is strengthening the ties between Pakistan and UK.

Impact on Naval Importance:

No country can deny the importance of Navy for its security and to carry out other private operations apart from national security. The importance of Pakistan Naval force is getting further emphasized due to CPEC project. As the trade traffic between the countries increase so does the security issues increase concerning the ports and open waters. China has given Pakistan two new ships for the purpose of increasing security at sea. This is seen as a historical moment and the ships will be used in providing the security at Gwadar Port and the route entailing CPEC.

Two more ships are to be provided from China for the same purpose. Pakistan Army has already raised a new division in army that will be responsible for the security of the area. Also it will be responsible for the Gwadar Port  city Security, which is to provide resident for many. Pakistan Navy has been showing skills for the purpose in its exercise and there is no doubt that the shores are in safe hands as long as they are present.

Local and Regional Economic Escalation:

With CPEC not only Pakistan gets access to international market, but it will also have a positive effect on the local and regional trade. There are three routes that are to be constructed namely; western, eastern and central route. These routes will connect the whole Pakistan to CPEC. It will not only speed up the delivery process to the destinations but also provide opportunity for the locals and regional trade. This project can change the economic and logistic face of Pakistan. It is opening jobs for people especially those who are well educated but do not get a chance to deliver their capabilities.

Also to those people who left Pakistan, who are very capable but do not have any job will return, thus increasing human resource which is a key factor in the success of CPEC. One of the many positive impacts of this project can be lessening of corruption due to job deficiency.

Apart from this, Gwadar port is going to be a burden sharer for the rest of the two ports that have waiting containers to be grounded due to less capacity for large vessels and the truck routes are always blocked due to traffic jam. CPEC project will help solve all these problems and ensure a growing economy for all, but the condition is that everything goes as planned.

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